‘Arsenal, We Are on Your Side’ stands as one of the most cherished Arsenal Anthem songs, a melodious anthem released in 2015 by Gold band.
The track is part of their ‘Innomania – The Best Of Football Teams (Champions & Europa League)' album, resonating with fans as a testament to their unwavering support for the club.
Additionally, the timeless Good Old Arsenal anthem, released in 1971, remains a sentimental favorite Arsenal anthem among the club's faithful.
Crafted by the legendary Jimmy Hill, the song was performed by Arsenal's first-team squad as a stirring tribute during the 1971 FA Cup Final, commemorating the team's remarkable journey to the final.
Arsenal Anthem Lyrics
Arsenal Anthem: “Arsenal We're on Your Side” lyric
Arsenal we're on your side
Our love we can not hide
Our hearts are open wide
To cheer you along the way.
We will be standing by
We know how hard you try
Whether you win or lose
It's you we choose
So special when you surround
Now you have supporters
Who will never let you down
We'll be there to cheer you on
By singing this song
Here is the song
Arsenal we're on your side
Our love we can not hide
Our hearts are open wide
Find more lyrics at ※ Mojim.com
For nobodyelse but you
Whether at home or away
We love to see you play
We'll be there on the day
The day they present
The honour that ‘s meant for you.
Arsenal we're on your side
Our love we can not hide
Our hearts are open wide
For nobodyelse but you
Arsenal we're on your side
Our love we can not hide
Our hearts are open wide
For nobodyelse but you
Download for free the Arsenal Anthem – Arsenal We're On Your Side Mp3 below, it can also form a very good ringtone for your android phone:
Watch or download Arsenal anthem mp4 video below:
Arsenal Anthem: The club's chants
Arsenal Anthem: “Good Old Arsenal” Lyrics
Good old Arsenal,
Good old Arsenal,
we're proud to say that name.
And while we sing this song,
we'll win the game.
Vieira wo o e o, Vieira wo o eo,
he comes from Senengal,
he plays for Arsenal,
Vieira wo o e o, Vieira
He's blond, Hes quick
His names a porno flick,
emmanuel, emmanuel
One-nil to the Arsenal,
One-nil to the Arsenal,
One-nil to the Arsenal,
One-nil to the Arsenal,
One-nil to the Arsenal!
We`ll win coz we`re Arsenal,
We`ll win coz we`re Arsenal,
We`ll win coz we`re Arsenal,
We`ll win coz we`re Arsenal!
Que sera sera
Que sera sera
what ever will be will be
we`re going to Wemberly
que sera sera.
Roll out the Arsenal
Roll out the Arsenal
Lets have a barrel of fun
Roll out the Arsenal
We've got them all on the run
Just one more goal now
Then how we all will cheer 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,
The Gang's all here
You are my Arsenal
You are my Arsenal,
My only Arsenal,
You make me happy,
When skies are grey,
You'll never know just,
How much I love you,
So please don't take,
My Arsenal…Away
Na na na na na (ooh)
Na na na na na (ooh ooh)
na na na na na…
We hate Nottingham Forest
We hate Liverpool too
We hate West Ham United
But Arsenal we love you
Who's that team they call the Arsenal?
Who's that team we all adore?
They're the boys in red and white,
and they fight with all their might,
and they're out to show the world just how to score!”
Download Arsenal Anthem “Good Old Arsenal” Mp3 below:
This article was most recently revised and updated 1 year ago